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Oracle EPM Cloud Planning: Hidden Member Property UDAs

Turns out there are alot of UDAs that we were never told about, I've compiled a list below but there may be more in which case let me know! These can be used to test for specific member properties such as the account type and time balance settings which could prove very useful in certain situations. 

I've tested them using the below script, fixing on a specific member to check if it pulls back the error message when the if statement was a success.

You can use an @isuda to check which of these Account types is present: 

Saved Assumption 

These Time Balance types: 

Average (Worth noting it doesn't seem to distinguish between average "time balance" and average "exchange rate type", so if either is set to average this will be considered true) 

These Exchange Rate Types: 

Average (Worth noting it doesn't seem to distinguish between average "time balance" and average "exchange rate type", so if either is set to average this will be considered true) 

These Version Types: 

Standard Bottom Up 
Standard Target


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