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Showing posts from June, 2020

Connecting EPM Cloud Planning to Apex with Rest API: Running Jobs in Planning from Apex Part 2 of 2

In Part 1 I covered how to setup your web source modules, one to perform a GET request on available jobs, and another to perform a POST request to run these jobs. Now lets build the connector between the web source modules and our application. Head over to SQL Workshop and create a new Package  with the following "Specification" and "Body" , substituting "PLANNING_RUN_JOB" with the name you gave your package. Or as text: Body: create or replace package PLANNING_RUN_JOB as procedure planning_run_job(   p_jobtype varchar2,   p_jobname varchar2 ); end planning_run_job; ---------------------- Specification: create or replace package body PLANNING_RUN_JOB is procedure planning_run_job(   p_JobType varchar2,   p_JobName varchar2 ) is   l_parameters apex_exec.t_parameters; begin   apex_exec.add_parameter(p_parameters => l_parameters, p_name => 'JOBTYPE', p_value => p_JobType);   apex_exec.add_parameter(p

Connecting EPM Cloud Planning to Apex with Rest API: Running Jobs in Planning from Apex Part 1 of 2

Intro: I've already run through how to view and change your substitution variables in Oracle Planning via Apex, so let's take a look at something a bit more versatile, running jobs in Oracle Planning from Apex. According to Oracle's documentation you should be able to run any of these types of jobs using Rest API: Rules Ruleset Plan Type Map Import Data Export Data Export Metadata Import Metadata Cube Refresh Clear Cube Administration Mode Compact Cube Restructure Cube Merge Data Slices Optimize Aggregation Import Security Export Security Export Audit Export Job Console Sort Members Import Exchange Rates I haven't had a chance to test them all and see how they work/ if they require any further tweaking, but the one's that have worked have done so with relative ease which makes me feel fairly confident in writing this that you shouldn't run into any issues, but please do let me know if anything does fail to work f