In Part 1 I covered how to setup your web source modules, one to perform a GET request on available jobs, and another to perform a POST request to run these jobs. Now lets build the connector between the web source modules and our application. Head over to SQL Workshop and create a new Package with the following "Specification" and "Body" , substituting "PLANNING_RUN_JOB" with the name you gave your package. Or as text: Body: create or replace package PLANNING_RUN_JOB as procedure planning_run_job( p_jobtype varchar2, p_jobname varchar2 ); end planning_run_job; ---------------------- Specification: create or replace package body PLANNING_RUN_JOB is procedure planning_run_job( p_JobType varchar2, p_JobName varchar2 ) is l_parameters apex_exec.t_parameters; begin apex_exec.add_parameter(p_parameters => l_parameters, p_name => 'JOBTYPE', p_value => p_JobType); apex_exec.add_parameter(p
From working with both Oracle Planning and Apex I've written these blog posts in an effort to spread knowledge on possible integrations between the two, and provide even better business budgeting and reporting solutions by finding where Apex best compliments the features of Cloud Planning, and where it doesn't.